Aug 23 2018
Top Uses For An Underwater Fishing Camera
Technology is awesome — it has provided us with tons of cool gadgets to play with and learn from. High-tech equipment is becoming more readily available and we have more power in the palms of our hands than was ever thought possible just several decades ago. One awesome piece of tech you can get ahold of now that wouldn’t have even been possible a decade ago is the wireless underwater fishing camera. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at some of the best uses for a device like this.
A View From The Other Side Of The Line
As much as 95 percent of our planet’s oceans have not been explored as of the year 2000. It’s fascinating to know that humans have covered just about every corner of the earth, but when it comes to our oceans, there’s a whole host of things left undiscovered. Although an underwater fishing camera probably won’t lead you to uncovering a whole new species or ecosystem, or finding Atlantis, it’s certainly exciting being able to record footage of an environment that’s most likely never been seen by human eyes and gives you the opportunity to see things from the fish's perspective.
Creating Awesome Fishing Content
Along with our move to the digital age, people expect instant satisfaction from anything media-related. When it comes to entertainment — you need content that will immediately draw your audience in. Whether you’re wanting to re-live your own fishing experience, or perhaps are interested in making content to sell fishing gear, or just trying to show your Facebook friends how awesome your last fishing trip was, underwater fishing cameras can provide you with the snappy, action-packed content that you need to show off your catch, lures and other fishing gear, and the overall fishing experience. After all, 95% of it takes place underwater!
Upping Your Game
If you’re someone who’s more serious about your fishing, there’s a lot to gain from underwater fishing cameras as well. With an underwater view of the action, you’ll never have to wonder whether that bite was in fact a fish, or just snagged log or rock. With our GoFish Cam Float Accessory, here at GoFish Cam, your fishing camera will turn into a bobber giving you a strategic top-down view of the area allowing you to locate fish, and stream the action back to your mobile device via wifi. How’s that for a strategic advantage? Even when it's underwater and not live-streaming, imagine being able to reel in and know what the structure looked like or what kind of fish were down there or even how they were reacting to your lure or bait down to 500 feet!
Check out GoFish Cam
If you’re in the market for a wireless underwater fishing camera, look no further than GoFish Cam. Our fishing camera attaches directly to your fishing line and can record all the action in 1080p @ 60FPS. The anti-wobble stability fins and night vision ensure that you’re able to get clean, high-quality footage, even at night. Lastly, it works with the mobile app, so get ready for all that insight!